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What do the options in the Fenix App mean?

There are 5 options in the Fenix App with V2B1. This article will tell you what they do.

Product Configuration:

Streamer Mode 

This hides the username/email at the top left of the app. 


This is a code for use on the HOPPIE Network. You can see here for more information on this: https://kb.fenixsim.com/how-do-i-get-hoppie

Please note: this is not required to use with the FenixSim A320.

Simbrief User ID

This has now been moved to the EFB > Settings app with V2B2.

Flight Deck Displays:


This is the legacy method from .146 - in some edge cases, especially those with less than 3GB of VRAM or very old graphics cards, this legacy method can actually see a slight improvement in FPS.
When should I use it? We recommend not to use this method unless you're touching the minimum specs of MSFS.


It forces the sim and our displays to 'sync' - think of it like v-sync but for our displays and sim. It means there's very minimal delay/lag between the data sent to the displays, and it appearing visually. It has a slight FPS impact on some machines, and not everyone will need to enable it, so we've left it as an option.
When should I use it? If you see stuttering or delays in your displays, switch it on.

The above options will require you to restart your flight back to the main menu.