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INVALID F-PLN UPLINK Message When Importing From SimBrief

When clicking INIT REQUEST, you receive INVALID F-PLN UPLINK.

As of version, there's a new default navdata of 2303 (same as simbriefs default) which may resolve this issue.
To update to the new navdata:

  1. Remove the following folder: C:\ProgramData\Fenix\Navdata
  2. Then launch fenix.exe and the navdata will be updated to 2303.

To help troubleshoot your SimBrief import, please do the following steps.

Go to the EFB > Settings and ensure your Simbrief Username is correct.

If you are still having INVALID F-PLN UPLINK, please make sure that you are running the same Navdata for both SimBrief and Fenix. If you are running the default, make sure your simbrief AIRAC option is using the closest available Navdata cycle. We recommend a Navigraph subscription and using the latest Navdata cycle for best results. Learn how to update your Navdata using the following article: https://kb.fenixsim.com/how-do-i-update-my-navdata-using-navigraph

NOTE: FLT NBR, COST INDEX and CRZ FL are supposed to be empty after successful uplink.

Specifying a custom alternate airport can also cause your flightplan uplink to be invalid.

Furthermore, sometimes you will get the invalid warning when your flightplan has SID, STARS and flight levels in the route. Try removing these and then re-uplinking the route.

Also, when on the New Flight Dispatch page in Simbrief, please ensure under "Selections" that the "Detailed Navlog" option is checked.

Users who are getting an AOC SEC F-PLN UPLINK error, please see:
