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Technical Support Queries
This category is for all guides relating to technical support queries.
EFB Unable to Connect
INVALID F-PLN UPLINK Message When Importing From SimBrief
F/CTL L/R Sidestick Fault
What do the options in the Fenix App mean?
Autopilot Disconnection issues
Failures Guide in FenixSim Aircraft
Failure to Connect when opening the Fenix Livery Manager
Unable to get a reply from CPDLC
Auto throttle disconnect on take-off. (PRO-ATC/SR)
Hot Brakes when using GSX
FSRealistic Options Conflicts with FenixSim Aircraft
Autopilot (FCU) Knobs do not work.
Seat Adjustment and Predictive Windshear Switches Do Not Work
Engines failing randomly
Why are my displays blurry?
The weather radar isn't working
Aircraft not showing in sim/Installer can't find sim
When using GSX you find occasional <-> arrow types when hovering over switches.
Unable to use Auto Brake buttons with TCA Hardware
FenixSim A319/20/21 Paintkit with SL
Flight Simulator First Officer (FSFO) serial key
TCA Airbus quadrant calibration issue
Flaps are unresponsive / Flaps Calibration
Toolbar Pushback incompatibility with FenixSim Aircraft
Everything is off and unresponsive, other than the EFB.
Fenix Sim and Navigraph Navdata not updating
No Tug Available
My flight simulator won't restart after shutdown.
Flight simulator executable will hang in suspended state
NAV lights are ON and strobes are flashing even when switches are set to OFF
Performance issues with Fenix Simulations when loading into the simulator.
A noticeable lag of 5-10 seconds when in sim
How to report a fault or bug
Thrustmaster TCA settings for throttle and reverse are not saving, when calibrated.
Bitdefender causing installation files to be quarantined, causing CDU or displays to be blacked out.
Turbulence Setting
License Revoked when logging in.
Installer Issues
Performance tweaks when landing at an airport
Connection errors when using third-party liveries.
FPS Performance Improvement
My aircraft bounces it's nose when using GSX pushback
Crashing when popping out panels
EFB White/pink when window opened
Lag on touchdown fix
Issues with GSX Seated Passengers
New Fenix Installer
Old Navdata still installed
Aircraft has gear up in ready to fly screen
Blank EFB
Error fetching installed printers
Airline Configurable Options via aircraft.cfg
MSFS 2024 Compatibility
Cabin Announcements Guide
EFB Sim Settings Explained
Automatic Crash Reporting
Recommended Sensitivity
Navigraph maps not loading on iOS
Rudder/Tiller/PED DISC with Block 2
Move File Failed Code 3 Installation issue
Performance issues with Windows Defender
Cockpit invisible/no buttons able to press
Displays are black/white/not turned on
ACARS Overview
What are the maximum weights for the Fenix A320?
Custom camera views lost when updating version (MS Version applicable)